Friday, June 19, 2015

Keep teethers, chew toys near child and off floor

We use a small carabiner and a key-chain or other attachment to keep Grace's Chewable bracelets or as we call them "rings," close and within easy reach for her.

Fun mister-adapted water play

Grace loves the "mist" setting on our garden hose. I found this mister called a "Cobra mistand" at Home Depot online for about $11. We can hook it up to out irrigation water and run it while Grace is playing outside on our deck. She loves it.

Adapted bubble blower

Awesome bubble blower machine for Grace. I found it at Shopko. Grace can squeeze the handle and make bubbles come out of the top. (I usually need to "prime" it after non-use for a day or two.
The only adaption I did was to use plastic zip-ties and tie this bubble blower to our metal picnic table so Grace can squeeze the handle and not pull the whole thing down.

Wheelchair Accessible DIY water table

I turned an old changing table into a wheelchair accessible sensory table. I removed the bottom shelves and bars. I added a bar to lock down the water box as Grace likes to pick the whole box up. There's a simple loop of wire on one end & a hinge on ther other end so I can lift up the bar to clean out the water box as needed.