Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for Diapers

My daughter with special needs is right between Pampers size 7 diapers and special needs youth diapers XS. There is a drastic difference between the two. And don't get me started on quality! Pampers (no affiliation or kick-backs here) have been perfected to hold the stuff AND look nice, feel nice and relatively smell fine until the deed is done. Youth XS diapers are cut funny, don't have the extra leg elastic, smell "medical," smell bad after use and just don't hold enough.
I really like Pampers diapers for my daughter. Of course the cost is getting more extravagant as the size goes up and the quantity per box goes down. But, my nose is quite thankful and my laundry bill still remains sane.
 Actually, the price per diaper probably averages out with the youth XS versions because I end up using more of the Youth XS in a day then I do with the Pampers size 7. Also, I have to buy a product called a diaper doubler which is like a super large maxi pad that you can put into Youth diapers to help keep the stuff in them.
I've begged Pampers to create a size 8. If Pampers could just bridge the gap between baby and adult, it would make my life so nice for another couple of years.
My daughter is growing and she will one day outgrow the Pampers size 8, also. I guess I need to grow out of the baby stage someday and grasp the idea of smelly, ill-fitting Youth diapers. It doesn't seem fair- not too my child or my nose.

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